
Monday, June 13, 2011

Gone Campin'

our beautiful view

EZ competed in a triathlon this weekend down in Louisiana. He thought it would be fun if we went down the night before and camped at the state park where the triathlon would be held. It seemed like an ok idea to me. We had been camping a few years back in the Texas heat, so what could be different about Louisiana. We rented a tent from the University Rec for a decent amount, packed up our camping food and headed out. It was a short drive and the tent was incredibly easy to set up, so all started out well. The tent a rain jacket, so we weren't too worried about the thunder in the distance. Kahlua had a good time sniffing around, but eventually got too hot.

here she is being a princess sitting the tent

We were hoping it would cool off when the sun went down...we were wrong, very wrong! The tent had zero ventilation even though it wasIt was so hot actually that we eventually broke down and sat in the car with the AC on, completely harmful for the environment, I know I know, but believe me you wouldn't be able to handle it either. We ended up sleeping in the car...super comfy let me tell ya. And I woke up every hour to run the engine and crank the AC. I'm going to use Kahlua as an excuse, she didn't stop panting the entire night, poor thing. And poor EZ had to wake up the next morning and compete!! Well like EZ said, it will make a good story for our grandkids, ha.

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