
Monday, November 28, 2011

DIY Infinity Circle Scarf

I've seen this infinity scarf pinned millions of times on Pinterest, but had to search harder to actually find a good tutorial. This girl's video is awesome and I absolutely love the music in the background. I also think she used a material other than jersey knit, so I'm looking to try that in the future. I love how the 3 I made turned out and how warm and versatile it is!This scarf can be worn countless ways. The American Apparel website sells them for about $30 and they show girls wearing them even as a dress (mine isn't wide enough for that.) If you made it wide enough it could double as a baby carrier (sling style).  I used jersey knit, one solid, one print and it cost about $10 a yard, but I had a coupon for 50% off from MonaVie, and made my purchases on black friday (big savings!). There are lots of good deals online including eBay where you can get it for cheaper.

What you'll need:
2 yards of Jersey knit fabric
Sewing machine
Good scissors

You can use all of the fabric or cut it down width wise to make it a little thinner. I cut mine to 60" by 45" I used the scraps to make a mini scarf that Sweet P is modeling up top. Remember that you want to be able to wear it as a hood. This video is too good for me to explain the process any better. Good luck and let me know how it goes!!

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