Monday, June 3, 2013

Chocolate Mousse

This recipe came about by accident when I was staring into my fridge looking for something sweet to munch on after lunch. It's been a "sweets" filled weekend! I need to get back on track and limit my treats. Being home all day does not help!

Here is the recipe:

1 cup of whipping cream or canned coconut milk
1 tbs honey (buy locally!)
1 heaping tbs of cocoa powder

Combine in a blender or food processor. I use the paddle attachment on my ninja. Blend until the mixture thickens and becomes the texture of mousse! The blending time will vary depending on the temperature of the cream and what you are using to blend. You can use a hand blender, or an immersion blender as well. Serve immediately or store in a sealed container in the fridge. 

Health notes: I am torn between using  the canned coconut milk and cream. Both work well but both have drawbacks. Cream is a dairy product and doesn't have the best fatty acid profile. Not to mention all the toxins that could be lurking in the fat. It does not promote weight loss. On the other hand I hate using canned food because of the BPA lining. I guess we'll just have to pick our poison ;)

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