Thursday, July 4, 2013

EZ Eats: On the Road

Eating healthy while on the road is tough! Especially if you're trying to limit your carb intake (limited amount of fruit as an option). I like to eat a large meal before we leave, have 1 or 2 snacks for the car, and try to eat at our destination. (To be honest I actually ate my bacon and cantaloupe salad on the way to pick up E from work.) E on the other hand can't and shouldn't go that long without a meal. The food I bring is mostly for his benefit ;) and to battle my boredom.

Here is what I packed for our 6 hour road trip:

6 Lara Bars (check the ingredients, not all flavors are Paleo friendly, but all flavors have wholesome ingredients!)
1 bag pistachios
2 apples
Almond butter
1 dark chocolate bar
Raw carrots and cucumber
Dressing and cashew hummus for dipping
Hard boiled eggs
Date bars
Homemade Coconut milk
Paleo Brownies
(We did not eat all this, but I like to have it just in case! On our last trip to Dallas we were stopped in traffic for 3 extra hours)

Things we didn't bring but that pack well and last the day in the car:
Almonds, pecans, walnuts etc.
Roasted turkey or other nitrate free lunch meats (this is not the optimal choice for health since there are usually other additives)
Cooked, diced chicken
Bananas and other fruit 
Red Bell Peppers
Beef jerky (the only ingredients should be meat and possibly pepper and salt)
Baked sweet potato

Are there any healthy snacks you can't live without while traveling?

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