Thursday, June 27, 2013

Boiled Eggs

These are our farm fresh eggs. Aren't they beautiful! The larger ones are actually turkey eggs. Turkey eggs have a harder shell and a little firmer yolk. They taste just the same to me! I've been searching for the perfect hard boiled and soft boiled eggs and I've finally found it! 

Soft boiled:
Bring water to a boil and place fridge cold eggs in the water. The water should cover the eggs. Let boil full blast for 8 minutes. Drain and place in cold water in the fridge to stop the cooking process. The goal is a soft runny yolk and a firm white. Serve anyway you like!

Hard Boiled:
Place eggs in a pot of water and bring to a full boil. Let boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and place in cold water in the fridge to stop the cooking process. The goal is to have a firm yolk without any gray coloring. These are great in egg salad.

Peeling tricks:
Crack the egg gently on the counter all around. Focus on the rounded end (the bottom). Rub the egg between your hands to loosen the shell. Start peeling from the bottom and try to get under the membrane. Use the pads or your fingers and not your nails to keep from taking chunks out of the egg white. You can crack it under cold running water, or rinse it after you have the shell off. I am a terrible egg peeler due to my lack of patience and these tips really help me!!

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